A Safe Place for All

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

Psalm 121 vs 7 and 8

7. The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life;

8. The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forever more

Children, Young people and Vulnerable Adults can suffer harm and abuse from anyone, anywhere at any time. Including in Church Settings. It is the responsibility of every one of us to ensure that children and adults who could be at risk for any reason are protected from those risks.

If you have any concerns at all regarding a child, young person or vulnerable adult you need to contact one of the Safeguarding Co-ordinators. They then have a mandatory duty to contact the Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service for written and verbal advice and take the appropriate action. Names and contact details can be found on public notices posted around each church. In addition, contact details for Brucefield and for Blackburn and Seafield can be found in the Tally Lamp newsletter which can be downloaded here.

The safeguarding Co-ordinators are also those who are responsible for the safe recruitment and training of all the paid staff and volunteers who work with our children, young people and vulnerable adults.

All the staff and volunteers have either PVG, or a Basic Disclosure issued by Disclosure Scotland. They also have mandatory safeguarding training and are required to have refresher training every three years.

Further information on our safeguarding practices, can be obtained on the Church of Scotland website by clicking the link below.

Privacy and Data Protection

We know that sometimes you will want and need to share private information with us and we take our responsibilities very seriously when it comes to both your privacy and maintaining confidentially.

We follow the Church of Scotland protocols in looking after your Privacy and confidential information and you can find out more about your rights and choices and how we protect your personal data held by us, by clicking on the buttons below.  If you believe we haven’t met our legal obligations and want to make a complaint,  you will also find the information on how to do this under either of the links below.